Digital Online Video Production

business laptop with executive couple on it

VIDEO CAPSULES for Your Website, Intranet or Email Signature

One of the main characteristics of Web 2.0 has been the increasing use of video.  Just look at the meteoric growth that sites like YouTube™, Google Video™ and Yahoo Video™ have experienced.

Now you can include video capsules (see the “Comunicando con Orlando” section) on your Internet, Intranet and email signature as part of your marketing, public relations or training program.  Imagine the good will that this will foster among your customers and employees.  Here are some example:

For example, an insurance company can post short capsules about its different policies, claim procedures and what to do in case of an accident or sickness.  A cooperative can promote the advantages of doing business with a co-op and describe its different products.  A dentist can describe a variety of dental procedures as well as different ways to promote dental hygiene.  An auto shop can promote preventive maintenance and show how it can actually save money for the customer.  Human resource managers can use them to create a training library.  The possibilities are endless!

Accurate Communications has the personnel and the technology to design, produce and publish any capsule about any subject staring your company’s own personnel.  Our capsules are produced using Flash FLV technology, the leading format —by far— on the web.

Call us today at (787) 750-0000 and discover how easy and economical placing video capsules on your Internet/Intranet can be.